Marking cards: Different ways and strategy
Published by Andrew A on 12/23/2013 for
Marking cards is not an easy process. There are different ways to mark them as well as strategy. There is the "Pen mark" method and then the "Ink mark" method. These methods differ from one another on multiple levels. Lets explore both marking techniques and the opportunity cost between them.
First, one is ink based (invisible ink) and requires a device to read the markings. This strategy is the safer more effective strategy. Yes, you have to where glasses to view the markings, but the back of the card seems brand new untouched. The pen based marking will have a small change on the back of the card. Yes, the change is very small and more than likely 99% chance not noticeable. But the fact remains... the card is clearly marked. Secondly, the price. Ink tends to run more expensive. The pen marking method is far cheaper than buying invisible ink. What is it worth to you? Third and finally, the distance. You can see the markings of a ink marked card farther than the markings of a pen marked card. The ink markings stand out and can be viewed easier than the pen markings. The pen markings is a much closer ranged strategy. Since the markings are so small, you must be close to see them.
In conclusion, whether you use the ink marking strategy or the pen marking strategy it is clear. There is a definite way around playing poker fairly. Poker is a game of skill. Of course, unless you can see what the opponent has. Both marking strategies are profitable. You choose which fits you better.
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