Marked playing cards and which playing cards is the best
It is tough to choose which marked playing cards you will use for luminous ink. Will it be the brand that gets you or will it be the design on the back. One thing is for sure. You cannot buy the cheap dollar store playing cards. The playing cards must be professional cards and have the special material that most cards are made of. You can feel the back of the cards to tell if they are the right ones. If it is smooth and no grooves are felt then the cards are cheap and cannot be used (do to the luminous ink cannot filter through the material and "burn" into the card). If the card has grooves and feels real then they can be used with luminous ink.
You must make sure that the playing cards you use are the red backed playing cards. There are some luminous inks that can read blue back cards, but they are much harder to read. Once you have that down then move on to the design. Will it be the bicycle type of card or will it be the diagonal type of design? We always found that the diagonal type of design is best to use.
After you choose your preferred design, choose your brand. Usually brands will have a special design so the questioins intertwine in a way that they most likely will be answered together. Once you have your favorite always pick this type of card so that there are no differences.