Buy Marked cards and why you save by making your own marked cards
Why would you buy marked cards? Is it because you can find many websites that sell marked cards? Most people buy each deck of special luminous ink marked cards for $24.99 up to $79.99. Let me tell you that this is not only a horrible deal, but also a rip off. It is a horrible deal due to the fact that when you make your own cards you will find a blend in the card that suits your eyes best. Meaning you will get used to a blend (darkness/lightness of the luminous ink). Once you have the making of the cards down you can make decks and decks of cards all customed for your eyes only and not the flavor of the maker. The reason it is a rip off to buy a single pair of marked cards is that it literately used about $1 to $2 of material to create that deck of cards. You are better off buying the luminous ink kit and making 20 decks of cards and even reselling the marked cards!
Save money and buy a luminous ink kit. Once you learn how to blend the cards to a blend of your choice, you will surely master it and be the best magicial or poker player around! Don't be a fool and buy single decks of marked cards. Buy the kit and save hundreds of dollars.